Thursday, September 16, 2010

Interview with Shub Schirmer

Shub Schirmer is a sculptor at Mason Gross in New Brunswick, New Jersey.  Her work is created through intense imagination and creativity using found objects and other forms of sculpture materials to form her work.  Taking a look at the various pieces she has done in the past it is clear that her concepts and ideas have grown from 2D collage designs into a collection of amazing and extremely interesting 3D forms resembling the human form and other familiar matter.  To highlight this comparison even more, if you take a look at her designs, they have an intense eclectic feel to them. Although there are strong and familiar starting points in all of her works, it is clear that she has developed and refined her artistic vision so powerfully over the past 3 years and will be successful in the spring show.

N: Shub, I have not directly seen your work since freshman year, what is your concentration and what mediums do you enjoy working with?

S: i am a sculpture major. i really like working with my hands but not just like with a paintbrush or pencil, although i do love to draw and paint and other stuff, but sculpture is so hands on that i love it. I like working late nights in the studios at LAB, as well as working there when everyone is in their studios all working on different things and seeing what everyone else is working on. Bouncing ideas off one another and getting vital input is as much a part of artwork as your own contribution.

N: Where/who do you get your inspiration from?  Who drives you as an artist and inspires/supports your work?

 S: I’ve loved doing art forever. My moms an artist and always encouraged me and my sisters to express our creativity, so when it came time to choose what I was gonna do after high school, i went with what I really wanted to do with all my heart and haven’t looked back since. I find inspiration in everything I see. I pick things up on the street as I walk through the day and put them in my backpack for some future project. I am influenced by artists I love and even those I don’t. I’m influenced by nature, friends, tv and movies and my dreams. I like to play around with ideas and I’m constantly working on something in my head. As i ride the buses around Rutgers my mind is working very hard on half-formed ideas and plans.

N: Do you ever fall into a problem with your work?  Or do you embrace complications and new things?

S:  When I do start working with a new material or making something new, im not afraid to play around with the medium and process. In fact this play has led to many discoveries and new great things. Sometimes they turn out badly but I don’t regret those either, everything is a learning experience.

N: What are your plans for thesis and the future concerning your art and the message you are trying to send to society?

For thesis, I have a lot of half formed ideas that I’ve been playing with and trying to form into something that can be achieved in real life but I’m afraid that everything I have right now isn’t ready to come into being yet, I still need to work it out. I could go in so many directions and since freshman year I’ve been wondering what I could possibly make for the grand finale of my college experience and truth be told, I’m still stumped. I know that I want it to be spectacular and make people say wow. I know from going to all the other senior thesis shows that there are always pieces that rock and pieces that flop, and even though we all would like ours to rock, the truth is, we all can’t. We can only try our hardest and leap, and hope to soar, not flop, or at least enjoy the free fall before we lose our glimpse of the lime-light.

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